Due to the current situation, most of our IT group is located in the home office. If you have a request or a question, please use our ticket system. We ask you not to recycle an old ticket, because this way the ticket is not recognized as a new but as an old ticket and will appear at the bottom of our system and might be overlooked. You can also leave out the "thank you" mail after we solved the problem, because this will open the ticket again and we have to close it a second time.
Information on using our ticket system
Call phone numbers with Skype for Business Mobile

To make calls to a phone number from the Skype for Business App, all you have to do is click on the dialpad icon in the upper right corner.
Then you can dial the number.
ATTENTION: There must be a 0 in front of the desired number, otherwise the call will not be forwarded.
This guide works for both IPhone and Android devices.
You can find more information on the ZDV website (German).
Set up a "Skype for Business" video conference
Because of the current situation, caused by the COVID-19 (Corona) virus, many employees want to run home office. How to start a video conference with Skype for Business we would like to explain here:
Continue reading "Set up a "Skype for Business" video conference"
Information on the current situation (COVID-19)
Here current information is collected regarding COVID-19, which is relevant for the Institute of Nuclear Physics.
Continue reading "Information on the current situation (COVID-19)"
Update on how the Institute of Nuclear Physics deals with the coronavirus
Update on how the Institute of Nuclear Physics deals with the coronavirus
Message from the Director Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti (16. March, 8:12AM)
Continue reading "Update on how the Institute of Nuclear Physics deals with the coronavirus"
Create ssh-tunnel to kph infrastructure
Manual on how to create a ssh-tunnel to kph infrastructure.
For this you will need an KPH-Account and access via SSH has to be activated by us.
If you already have an KPH-Account, write an E-Mail with your KPH username to kph-it@uni-mainz.de and ask to be enabled for SSH. Please attach your public SSH-key to the E-Mail.
After we enabled your account, you can create a ssh-tunnel with Linux (batch, etc.) or Windows 10 (cmd, etc.) as follows:
ssh -N -L <local-port>:<kph-pcname>:<kph-port> proxy@gate6.kph.uni-mainz.de
- <kph-pcname> = Name of your computer in the institute. e.g. informatik.kph.uni-mainz.de
- <kph-port> = Port number of your computer within the KPH. e.g. RDP 3389
- <local-port> = any port number > 1000. You access this locally. e.g. 12345
Now you can establish a connection on your local computer to the KPH computer using the <local-port>. e.g. by putting localhost:12345 as RDP-Client destination.
Simply terminate the tunnel at the end of the session.
Older versions of windows:
Please use putty version >=0.75.
Alternatively for older versions of windows your can use the program PuTTY. Please follow the instructions for Generating a SSH key with PuTTY.
Create ssh-key pairs
Update: April 11, 2023 - The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) requires a key length of at least 3000 bits for the RSA method with the expiration of the year 2023. Therefore, the Institute of Nuclear Physics will no longer accept RSA keys with 2048 bits for new applications. Existing users have been requested to generate new, BSI-compliant keys.
Update: May 15, 2020 - Due to a serious security incident on the university's HPC systems, all SSH keys used so far lose their validity with immediate effect.
Connection errors with the emailservices of the university
The ZDV changed the type of connection for the univeristy email from StartTLS (port 143) to SSL (port 993). You can modify this in the settings of your email software.
Continue reading "Connection errors with the emailservices of the university"
Trojan "Emotet"
This week, the Federal Office for Information Security has again published a warning of the trojan "Emotet" [1] (only in german)
Dynamite phishing
Fraudsters are currently sending fake applications to prepare dynamite phishing.
In dynamite phishing, the attackers send e-mails to a target with the intention of forcing them to open the e-mail attachment.